Latest BO-ECLI News:
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Portugal also on board
Portugal has successfully implemented the European Case Law Identifier. The ECLI has been assigned to all published judicial decisions which have been rendered after 1932 (175.000 decisions in total)./ ...more
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Estonia also introduces ECLI
We are happy to announce that within the framework of the BO-ECLI project, the European Case Law Identifier has now been introduced in Estonia. ECLI is being assigned to all decisions published in the/ ...more
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BO-ECLI Conference has been successfully concluded in Athens
On 8 & 9 June 2017, the BO-ECLI Conference “ECLI AND BEYOND - Improving Online Access to Court Decisions” was successfully organized and hosted in Athens at Titania Hotel by the European Pub/ ...more
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Follow our software development on GitLab
One of the main objectives of BO-ECLI is to improve the accessibility of court decisions by making the legal references therein computer readable. The software development in this workstream is still/ ...more
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ECLI advocated within the European Parliament
On 2 March the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament issued an opinion in which the importance of the European Case Law Identifier is stressed. The Opinion is directed towards the Com/ ...more
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ECLI Conference coming up entitled "ECLI and Beyond: Improving online access to court decisions"
To discuss and demonstrate the interesting developments within the BO-ECLI project and to look ahead to a more distant future regarding the on-line access to court decisions, a conference will be orga/ ...more
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Report Released on Requirements for ECLI 2.0
Within the BO-ECLI objectives, is to also assess the ECLI Council Conclusions regarding the alignment with other standards and semantic web technologies and to make a proposal for ECLI 2.0. As a resul/ ...more
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NEW Report Released on the Online Publication of Court Decisions in the EU
A comparative study regarding the on-line publication of court decisions within all 28 Member States of the European Union, as well as at three European Courts has been published by the ‘policy grou/ ...more
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The Italian Supreme Court implements ECLI
On 23 January the Italian Supreme Court has successfully concluded the implementation of the European Case Law Identifier. As a result more than one million published decisions of the Court have been/ ...more
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Croatia is now on board
We are happy to announce that within the framework of the BO-ECLI project, the European Case Law Identifier has now also been implemented in Croatia. The ECLI the has been assigned to a selection of m/ ...more
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Significant Developments on the BO-ECLI project
BO-ECLI is currently making its first presentations on the work regarding the development of ECLI 2.0. A first outline was presented on the EU Council Working Party on E-Law, along with a general/ ...more
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Italian Constitutional Court decisions now available at the European ECLI Search Engine
We are happy to announce that within the framework of the BO-ECLI project, the Italian Constitutional Court has successfully implemented the European Case Law Identifier. As a result all published dec/ ...more
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Hellenic Council of State decisions now available at the European ECLI Search Engine
We are happy to announce that within the framework of the BO-ECLI project, the Hellenic Council of State has successfully implemented the European Case Law Identifier. As a result all published decisi/ ...more
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BO-ECLI forthcoming presentations in conferences and other events
BO-ECLI was presented under the topic ‘Gaining Momentum. How ECLI Boosts Accessibility of Case Law in Europe’ at the 2016 edition of the yearly 'Law via the Internet Conference', organized by the/ ...more
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Cyprus announced the prospect of joining the ECLI community at the #LVI16 Conference
At the Law via the Internet conference 2016 it has been announced that Cyprus will soon join the ECLI Community initiating the implementation of the European Case Law Identifier via an EU co-fund/ ...more
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Meeting of the EU Council Working Party on e-Justice
On the 30th of June 2016 the EU Council Working Party on e-Justice met in Brussels in the framework of the ‘cooperation mechanism’: a yearly meeting between the Working Party and high representati/ ...more
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Federal Constitutional Court of Germany connected to the ECLI Search Engine
The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (Bundesverfassungsgericht) is now also connected to the ECLI Search Engine. Nearly 6000 decisions are indexed./ ...more
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BO-ECLI Brochure
For a quick introduction to ECLI we have developed the brochure ‘BO-ECLI: Improving Access to Case Law’. It contains useful information about the European Case Law Identifier as well as about the/ ...more
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First Delivery of Workstream 2
On 2 May 2016 Workstream 2 on Linking Data finished its first delivery: ‘Analysis and Existing Solutions’. This document presents the Linking Data problem analysis. A survey of the existing soluti/ ...more
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ECLI Search Engine live
On 4 May 2016 the ECLI Search Engine on the European e-Justice Portal went live. With this milestone an important step has been taken in the implementation and use of the European Case Law Identifier./ ...more