Identifier Format
The European Case Law Identifier is a uniform identifier that has the same recognizable format for all Member States and EU courts. It is composed of five, mandatory, elements:
- ‘ECLI’: to label the identifier as being a European Case Law Identifier;
- the country code;
- the code of the court that rendered the judgment;
- the year the judgment was rendered;
- an ordinal number, up to 25 alphanumeric characters, in a format that is decided upon by each Member State. Dots are allowed, but no other punctuation marks.
All elements are separated by a colon.
An example of an ECLI is:
ECLI:NL:HR:2015:472, which is the published decision 472 of the Supreme Court (‘HR’) of the Netherlands (‘NL’) from the year 2015.
Deeplinks to any decision in the ECLI Search Engine can be constructed as:
https://e-justice.europa.eu/ecli/ECLI:XXX, e.g.